Automate Android, iOS and ReactNative build Pipelines using Fastlane

Learn how to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and releasing your application.

17 September 2017, 9:00AM to 1:15PM, Bangalore


  • Why do you manually upload the app to Store(Play/App)?
  • Why do you take Screenshots manually?
  • Why do you provide your app to testers manually?
  • Why do you distribute your app to beta/alpha users manually?
  • Why do you manage your app certificate and keys manually ?
  • Why do you test your app manually ?
  • Why do you build your app manually ?
  • Why do you spend time waiting the builds which can be utilised in some other productive tasks and build crazy stuff ?

If you don’t have answer to any of the above questions and still do it then this workshop is for you. We Will be using Fastlane Suite of Tools to automate simple tasks and solve all the above mentioned problems with few simple lines of code which you face while building Android, ios and React Native apps


  • Laptop with Ruby Installed
  • Standard Mobile App Platform setup - Xcode, Developer Tools for iOS, Android SDK, Android Studio for Android
  • NPM for React Native
  • PlayStore / Apple Developer Console Credentials for provisioning profiles/Certificates (Optional)
  • Anyone can attend this workshop who is developing mobile apps(iOS, Android, React Native), the focus is on automating the release processes for your app right from commits by developer to its delivery to end users. So if you are release engineer or into a team/role in your organisation who handles releases of mobile apps then this workshop is more specifically designed for you.

Date and Time

17th September, from 9:00AM to 1:15PM (4 hours) at Thought Factory, Bangalore.

This is a hand-on workshop where participants will create Fastfile and automate their respective apps on iOS/Android/React Native.


  • Basic Concepts (What is fastlane? Why should you use fastlane ? Intro to Tool Suite - Fastlane Actions)

  • Hands on Demo

    • Setup
      • Android Devs
      • iOS Devs
      • React Native Devs
    • Getting Started with Fastfile
      • Lanes
      • Actions
      • External Integrations
    • Writing your first fastfile
      • Android, iOS Devs, React Native
      • Build
      • Test
      • Deploy
      • Notify

Here is the mind-map for the same:


Abhinandan Kothari

Product Engineer at Go-Jek Engineering

Mudit Maheshwari

Product Engineer at Go-Jek Engineering





Tower D, 2nd Floor, Diamond District Old Airport Road, ISRO Colony, Domlur Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008
